Silvertel Policy Statement for the usage of Responsible Minerals
As a designer and supplier of electronic power modules, Silvertel is aware of it’s obligations with regards to laws and regulations regarding “Conflict Minerals”, specifically the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer protection Act, Section 1502, along with the guidelines set out by the OECD regarding the responsible mining of Cobalt.
Silvertel does not directly source or process conflict minerals such as Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold, Mica or cobalt. However these minerals may be included in the components we buy from other suppliers.
It is Silvertel’s goal to minimise any use of Tantalum, Tin, Tungsten, Gold, Mica & Cobalt in our products from the components that we source and that any use of such minerals does not directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC or adjoining countries while continuing to support responsible mineral sourcing in the region. Silvertel expects its suppliers to have in place policies and due diligence measures that will enable us to reasonably assure that products and components supplied to us containing conflict minerals are responsibly mined. Silvertel expects its suppliers to comply with the RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative) Code of Conduct. In support of this policy, Silvertel will: Exercise due diligence by contacting its component suppliers within our supply chain every year for all current components, to verify their compliance with the regulations. We are currently working with our suppliers to ensure that they are using smelters that are compliant with the RMI Conformant & Active Smelter & Refiner Lists.
All new components will be verified as using compliant smelters from the RMI Conformant & Active Smelter & Refiner Lists before approval.
Silvertel is committed to transparency in the ongoing implementation of this policy by making available our completed RMI CMRT template declarations upon request.
Mr Andrew Pugh
Quality Manager